Combatere biologica impotriva daunatorilor
Natural treatment against pests, which is based on zeolite clinoptilolite has been designed with the purpose to eliminate any crop insect pests and any mollusks which feed on plants and can cause considerable damage to them.
Highly toxic chemical insecticides are widely used in order to eliminate pests, of which the organic ones are the most common type of insecticide, with the majority of these being mostly synthetic chemicals.
Moreover, insects can gradually develop greater resistance to chemical insecticides as a result of repeated exposure to them. A chemical insecticide which was originally effective in combating pests may lose all subsequent effectiveness on insects.
ZECO este un produs anorganic, 100 % NATURAL, ce nu are efecte adverse asupra plantelor, a oamenilor sau animalelor ce intra in contact cu acesta si nu duce la poluarea mediului inconjurator.
ZECO este micronizat extrem de fin datorită măcinării foarte eficiente şi pur din punct de vedere microbiologic datorită tratamentului termic la care este supus.
Because this is a 100% natural product, it can also be used in organic crops.
Modul in care ZECO actioneaza asupra insectelor dar si asupra plantelor il diferentiaza clar de insecticidele chimice si il crediteaza ca fiind un produs extrem de eficient si, in acelasi timp, prietenos cu mediul inconjurator:
- Datorita capacitatii de absortie si desorbtie a apei zeolitul ZECO reuseste sa distruga microclimatul umed de pe suprafata plantelor ce este propice inmultirii insectelor. Astfel pe timpul noptii inmagazineaza apa pe care o elibereaza ziua, in prezenta caldurii, mentinand astfel un nivel de umiditate constant inadecvat inmultirii insectelor.
- Since the product looks just like a fine powder, it manages to penetrate and adhere to the insect's body even though they have defensive body hairs, which in turn blocks the release of carbon dioxide, thus killing the insect.
- If an insect carrying the zeolite insecticide on its body hairs happens to enter the plant leaf stomata, the zeolite powder will adhere to the stomata surface, preventing the insect to oxygenate which in the end will cause its death.
- Anytime an insect is aware of a foreign material adhering to its body or hairs, it will try to completely remove it. By repetitive/continuous brushing, the insect causes deep lesions to its body. The freshly open wound will be covered in a fluid which in turn will be absorbed by the zeolite, due to its microcellular structure. The insect will eventually die by dehydration.
- Sporii ciupercilor sunt prezenti in toate fazele de crestere a plantei si se dezvolta in conditii de umiditate excesiva. De aceea prin utilizarea Insecticidului ZECO ca si tratament preventiv inca de la intrarea in perioada de vegetatie poate evita neplacerile cauzate de aparitia mucegaiurilor.
- Given that culture is already affected by molds, zeolite powder helps heal the plant because of its ability to control humidity, and not allowing spore germination and mycelium development, which could in turn give birth to a new generation of fungi.
- By constantly using the natural insecticide from Zeolites Development throughout the developmental stages of plants, the farmer is given the possibility to harvest based on any particular needs with regards to the maturity of his product, and not having to oblige by some potential external factors.
- In areas where this insecticide is being used we can see a decline in pests population, and even thou they will not go extinct, they are much less active.
How to use it:
Liquid dispersion of foliar application:
100grame / 10 litri
Folositi 1% de produs ZECO dispersat in minimul necesar de apa cat sa acopere toata suprafata sau adaugat in amestec cu ingrasamintele si pesticidele utilizate in mod normal.
Keep out of reach of children.
The product is not toxic, but since this is a micronized product, it may cause eyes irritation.
This is a hygroscopic product, therefore it is recommended to be kept in a closed package, and stored in dry places.
This is a natural product, with no adverse effects on food and water for human.
ZECO este un produs anorganic, 100 % NATURAL.
Since it is a hygroscopic product, it should be stored in dry places.